Relaxation in Quarantine Requirements for International Travelers
Today Canada announced its 1st phase of easing border restrictions and from 5th of July 2021 onwards, fully vaccinated (having received both doses) travellers who are entering Canada will no longer be subject to a government-mandated quarantine or stay at a government authorized hotel and would also not be required to take a mandatory Covid-19 test on their 8th day inside Canada.
To be eligible, the traveler must be asymptomatic and should have received the complete dosage required of the vaccines accepted by Canada (current list includes Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca/COVISHIELD, and Johnson & Johnson) at least 14 days in advance of the arrival in Canada. In addition, the traveler must also use ArriveCan app to answer Covid-19 related screening questions and provide the vaccination documentation either in paper or digitally.
Any traveler having received only 1 or no shots before entering Canada would still be required to follow the protocol currently in place for international travelers entering Canada.
PR Applicants with COPR can complete their Landing in Canada starting 21st June 2021:
Another big announcement coming from The Canadian Government today will allow Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR) holders from all over the world to finally end their wait and start entering Canada from 21st June 2021 onwards.
On 18th March 2020 when WHO recognized Covid-19 to be a worldwide pandemic, Canada along with various other countries, was quick in virtually shutting down its borders. Various restrictions were put in place and international travelers coming into Canada were asked to either cancel or delay their travel plans indefinitely. Amongst such travellers were those Permanent Residence (PR) applicants who had been issued a COPR after 18th March 2020. These COPR holders, estimated by government authorities to be around 23000 individuals, could not travel to Canada since then, although if one had received a COPR on or before 18th March 2020 (before the announcement of the pandemic) one was exempt from travel restrictions.
A COPR holder, typically, is meant to have completed all other steps of an application screening process and is waiting to travel and reach Canada. However, a COPR is generally valid for a maximum of one year so if the applicant’s COPR has expired, the applicant should still be able to apply for a new COPR through Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
Whether you are a first-time applicant, or your previous application has been refused reach out to us and discuss your case with a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC). We offer a #NoObligation Free Initial Consultation to all our clients.
Reach out to us if your application was refused in the past. Schedule your (free) initial appointment today by clicking the link at the bottom of the page. You may also reach us at +1 (877) 683-7222 (SAAB) or write to us at